&hint1=I am a 20th century oil painting by Kirchner& &hint2=I celebrate the vitalist utopian spirit of a primitive life spent amidst the natural world& &hint3=My figures were influenced German medieval woodcuts and the Pacific Island artworks& &hint4=I depict women bathing& &choices=Bathers on the Beach (Fehmarn);Blue Nude (Memory of Biskra);Charge of the Lancers;Villa Savoye;The City Rises;Glass House& &answer=Bathers on the Beach (Fehmarn)& &search=Bathers Kirchner& &title=Bathers on the Beach (Fehmarn)& &artist=Ernst Ludwig Kirchner& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1913& &location=& &dimensions=2'5 7/8" x 3'3 3/8"&